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Po Box 2122, Magill North, 5072, SA, Australia
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(08) 8431 5609
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Company description
Distribution of Garden seeds. Flowers, small trees, herbs,vegetables, lawn seeds.
Our customers are GARDEN NURSERY.
The VILMORIN's seeds are Imported quality French seeds.
VILMORIN was created in 1743 and is one of the oldest brands in the plant world in France.
As part of the LIMAGRAIN Group, it benefits from the research and production of the top seed producers in the worl for vegetables and flowers.
The quality is checked from harvesting all the way to packaging.
VILMORIN's researchers work on hundreds of applied and funamental research programmes. 13% of the group's sales are put into research.Research covers the main vegetable and flower species and especially the Mediterranean speciestomato,melon,pepper etc... VILMORIN is the World's No1 packet seed and is marketed in 53 countries
Our customers are GARDEN NURSERY.
The VILMORIN's seeds are Imported quality French seeds.
VILMORIN was created in 1743 and is one of the oldest brands in the plant world in France.
As part of the LIMAGRAIN Group, it benefits from the research and production of the top seed producers in the worl for vegetables and flowers.
The quality is checked from harvesting all the way to packaging.
VILMORIN's researchers work on hundreds of applied and funamental research programmes. 13% of the group's sales are put into research.Research covers the main vegetable and flower species and especially the Mediterranean speciestomato,melon,pepper etc... VILMORIN is the World's No1 packet seed and is marketed in 53 countries
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in a premium position. VILMORIN has a huge range 1 of the largest in the world. AUSTRALIA stocks more than 450 of the possible1,000+ seeds's varieties.Listed in categories
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