Australian Rainforest Foundations - Cairns
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Australian Rainforest Foundations
Suit 1B, 51 Esplanade, 4870, Cairns, QLD, Australia
Contact number
(07) 4031 2400
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Company description
To build global awareness and support for Australia's rainforests by funding conservation and enhancement programs through investment sponsorship and donations from corporate and private citizens.
Help us conserve Australia's largest remaining stand of tropical rainforest, a refuge for unique plants and animals dating back 140 million years. The Daintree coast and Cassowary Coast are famous for its landscape of striking diversity from vine forests growing on coastal dues to stands of rare trees surviving on sheltered creek banks.
The Australian Rainforest Foundation is proposing to bring together all levels of government, community groups and individuals, scientists, land mangers and the corporate sector to work collaboratively to save the magnificent Cassowary.
We propose to build the
Help us conserve Australia's largest remaining stand of tropical rainforest, a refuge for unique plants and animals dating back 140 million years. The Daintree coast and Cassowary Coast are famous for its landscape of striking diversity from vine forests growing on coastal dues to stands of rare trees surviving on sheltered creek banks.
The Australian Rainforest Foundation is proposing to bring together all levels of government, community groups and individuals, scientists, land mangers and the corporate sector to work collaboratively to save the magnificent Cassowary.
We propose to build the
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largest wildlife corridor ever established in australia and will be a world first pilot project demonstrating how an industrialised nation can sustain a viable wildlife population in its midst.IF YOU WANT TO SAVE IT - HELP US OWN IT.... IT BELONGS TO EVERYONE
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