Aylesbury Lodge - Australia

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Company name
Aylesbury Lodge
Lot 1 McGee Road, Angle Vale, 5117, SA, Australia
Contact number
(08) 8284 7104
Company description
Thankyou for checking out Aylesbury Lodge, specialists in the training, re-training and home placement of Standardbreds. With over 40 years experience collectively in racing and re-educating horses to a high level of competition, Aylesbury Lodge have decided to "give back" to their equine companions saving them from an otherwise early death. Located in Angle Vale, SA on 27 beautiful acres backed onto the gawler river, the property provides the ideal setting complete with a purpose built 800m race track.Aylesbury Lodge consists of 2 parts - one of racing (Kingston-Mayne Racing) and the other of re-training. The head of the racing stable is trainer Jonathon Kingston-Mayne, with well over 20 years experience including not just that as a harness racing trainer, but can add to his belt -  
Show more a successful Thoroughbred trainer (his first winner was in fact a TB in QLD) and an exceptional farrier. With success with horses including - Black Feet, Ferguson, Rat Knight, Mutineer, Atomic Globe, A Stray Alien, Angel Armour and of course the SA 2yo and 2006 Horse Of The Year Oztreos. At the helm of the re-training is his partner - Renae. Renae has been re-training all breeds for the past 10 years, with another 6 years competition experience at a high level. Her understanding of the psychology of the horse has been paramount and a key to her success in re-training the horse and now offers her services to trainers to assist them to save their beloved race horse. The training style incorporates natural horsemanship with German dressage training influences, this has evolved into a highly successful combination and has resulted in an exceptional success rate in re-training the STB. By screening potential new owners, Aylesbury Lodge ensure that the retired race horse goes to a loving, knowledgable home. Everytime. Quite simply, the horses come first.Don't send your horse to the knackery, after all, everyone deserves a second chance.


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