k9 Institute of Australia - Perth
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k9 Institute of Australia
WA 6065, Perth, Australia
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Welcome to the K-9 Institute of Australia, a professional canine education facility with a unique vision and commitment. We are Premiere trainers, combining intense studies in Psychology, Biology, and Physics of dogs. Utilizing this knowledge and experience, we possess the ability to produce some of the most successful canines with a performance unmatched anywhere else in Australia. We train dogs according to their own natural psychology, following their mental evolution that your dog will understand and accept voluntarily, with drive and commitment. We use several different types of approaches, integrated holistically and inter-dimensionally, to train your dog. One dimension of conditioning is strengthened when combined with conditioning using another dimension of communication and
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understanding. In other words, just as we have five different senses, we use techniques that are based on integrating your dog's senses of smell, hearing, eyesight, touch, and taste. Contact us now and ask about our private training, in house training, guard dogs and detection dogs. Limited places available, book early to avoid disappointment.Reviews
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