Powers of Attorney / Guardianship

Powers of Attorney / Guardianship
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Powers of Attorney / Guardianship

A Power of Attorney gives the appointed attorney control of your financial decisions or medical care in the event that you are unable to do so. Whatever the circumstance a Power of Attorney will offer peace of mind while you are not in the position to manage your financial or health affairs.
Plan for the unexpected
Financial, Medical, Guardianship

Power of Attorney Financial — Prepare for the unexpected. Injury and illness is a fact of life and can come suddenly at any time. AMT LEGAL can help ensure you recover in peace by having a trusted attorney care for your financial affairs while you are unable to do so.

Power of Attorney Medical — Have your say. It is difficult to know what the future holds. AMT LEGAL can help you prepare for the unexpected and put your care in the hands of the people you love and trust.

Guardianship — Protect your loved ones. Appointing a Guardian is an important decision. AMT LEGAL can help make sure that your loved ones are protected.
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