Qldpcs - Qld People With Common Sense - Kallangur, Australia

Company name
Qldpcs - Qld People With Common Sense
24 Olivia Drive, 4503, Kallangur, QLD, Australia
Contact number
(07) 3480 5833
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Company description
QLD People with Common Sense It is time for a change. Time to lift the bonnet to change the sparks plugs, oil filter and sump plug. Then add the good oil so we can all enjoy a smooth running motor again. QLDPCS is offering on its website, tips, suggestions and various ideas on how to do so. Subjects covered within include our Communities, Environment, our Water Conservation, our Roads, our Health and Wellness and all of our Education. It's the way to go. 'What’s Happening' 'Places to Go See' 'Recycled Markets' and 'Animal Rescues' will feature. So, be it for the young or just the young at heart, QLDPCS covers it. The sponsors who advertise on this site, offer the best in service and products. If you would like to see more of what could be installed The fact that Qld PCs is an 8  
Show more year old company, with a reputation for its quality, QLDPCS stands for QLD (Queensland) People with Common Sense. We are the New Generation of Radical Conservatives! Hello and welcome to QLDPCS. We are neither affiliates nor support any left or right wing party. We like to feel we fit in between both, in the middle if you like. QLDPCS is a company not a Political Party. We promise to fight for the right way to live our wonderful lives and endeavour to always do so. Question: Do we really live in a fully democratic society? Answer: Let QLDPCS show the right way forward with progressive steps. Then we can all lead a peaceful existence! Many of us believe that our Education finishes when you leave school. That is not correct as we always learn something new everyday. Families need families, but most importantly, we need to realize that we are not all the same. So have some patients for the black sheep in your family. Let’s not polarize our society, workplace or home, lets glue it together.
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