Agel Enterprises - Menai, Australia
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Agel Enterprises
Menai Road, 2234, NSW, Australia
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Agel is the worlds first Gel Suspension for Vitamin, Minerals, providing nutrition on a cellular basis. Agel Provides many different solutions to those people who do not like taking tablets, potions, Shakes. This is innovative, brand new science based technology providing easy application by just tearing of the top of a gel pack taking, no water required, all self sufficient, available in over 47 countries. T.G.A. approved (Therapeutic Goods Administration) Australia's governing body of quality assurance. Listed under a medicine, made in Australia. Halal, Kosher, World Anti Doping approved (W.A.D.A) safe for elite athlete's. Run it as a home base business or just take the products, it's up to you. I am very well connected as I was sponsored by Rob Nicky Horkings who were sponsored by
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Randy Gage who was sponsored by Eric Worre, these people are the "Kings Queens" of network Marketing, multi million dollar producers even better multi million dollar teachers. Best of all, just look for yourself. It's not what you know, it's who you know! more importantly who they know that makes it simple. Unbelievable compensation plan, structured for people to work as a team, infrastructure to make you successful. Where were you 5 years ago? where do you want to be 5 years from now? I have a vehicle that can get us where we want to be, but I need your help. Let's help each other to achieve what we want in this life. I own my own business know what it's like to grind your life away, please look at this opportunity, we have websites, magazines, DVD, audio tapes to teach educate people on becoming successful, we run meetings all over the world, it's up to you! The products are "worlds first" patented for Agel only, many different applications for weight loss, Diabetes, join pain, Arthritis, Immune system, please look at my website for further details. Regards Malcolm ByersReviews
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