Aqualine Pool Resurfacing - Broadbeach Waters, Australia
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Aqualine Pool Resurfacing
16 Pasadena Court, 4218, Broadbeach Waters, QLD, Australia
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Company description
AQUALINE Pool Resurfacing's unique system of  high-tech Fiberglass pool resurfacing or 2 Pack Premium Epoxy Pool Resurfacing coatings and  revolutionary water saving process, makes it the most professional and cost effective pool resurfacing renovation system on the market for resurfacing and repairing leaks on all types of swimming pools.
AQUALINE's pool resurfacing is a tried and tested system for resurfacing your swimming pool without throwing your water down the drain.Â
Common failures with re-plastered (Marblesheen and Pebblecrete) pools are: Cracking, Chipping and “Pop-Offsâ€. These occur because new plaster applied to an existing Gunnite/Plaster pool does not bond well. Fiberglass does bond well to any existing swimming pool, and is not susceptible to these
With our fully insured and warranted pool resurfacing, not only do you get the best and most resilient swimming pool resurfacing available, you also have the peace of mind of our comprehensive insurance and seven year warranty.
Our system of Pool Resurfacing will rejuvenate your old, damaged or possibly mouldy and leaking pools, creating a beautiful center piece for your home. Â Have a look at the impressive credentials of Fiberglass resurfacing against all other resurfacing products
Whether your project is small or large, at AQUALINE Pool Resurfacing, our commitment remains the same - we believe in total customer satisfaction.Â
We pride ourselves on delivering a prompt and professional service to home owners, businesses or any pool owners wanting to renovate their pool.
At AQUALINE Pool Resurfacing, we understand that quality and efficiency is paramount so we ensure the job is done efficiently without any compromise on quality - proving value for money.
AQUALINE's pool resurfacing is a tried and tested system for resurfacing your swimming pool without throwing your water down the drain.Â
Common failures with re-plastered (Marblesheen and Pebblecrete) pools are: Cracking, Chipping and “Pop-Offsâ€. These occur because new plaster applied to an existing Gunnite/Plaster pool does not bond well. Fiberglass does bond well to any existing swimming pool, and is not susceptible to these
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failuresWith our fully insured and warranted pool resurfacing, not only do you get the best and most resilient swimming pool resurfacing available, you also have the peace of mind of our comprehensive insurance and seven year warranty.
Our system of Pool Resurfacing will rejuvenate your old, damaged or possibly mouldy and leaking pools, creating a beautiful center piece for your home. Â Have a look at the impressive credentials of Fiberglass resurfacing against all other resurfacing products
Whether your project is small or large, at AQUALINE Pool Resurfacing, our commitment remains the same - we believe in total customer satisfaction.Â
We pride ourselves on delivering a prompt and professional service to home owners, businesses or any pool owners wanting to renovate their pool.
At AQUALINE Pool Resurfacing, we understand that quality and efficiency is paramount so we ensure the job is done efficiently without any compromise on quality - proving value for money.
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