Alt Cleaning Products - Churchill, Australia
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Company name
Alt Cleaning Products
Lot 180 Rickards Drive, 3842, Churchill, VIC, Australia
Contact number
04 17056100 f
03-5122 3228
Company description
We deal in a large range of cleaning products catering to cleaners, motels, restaurants, hotels,fish and chip shops, chicken shops etc. We distribute floor cleaners,deodorisers,window cleaner,toilet bowl cleaner plus much more.Our best product on the market is our grill cleaner and our floor cleaner (great for fish and chip shops or anywhere that you may have a problem with greasy floors). We deal direct to the manufacturer, our overheads are kept low therefore we can bring you an excellent product at an excellent price. We also offer a money back guarantee, if you are not 100% happy with our product then we will refund your money. We also deal in a large range of paper goods, toilet rolls, jumbo rolls, interleave hand towels and much more. We ourselves used alot of these products when
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we owned a laundrymat saving us alot of money in our business, no other manufacterer that we dealt with could even come close to the price we were paying and the quality was just as good if not better so on selling our business the owner who had been selling us the chemicals then offered us the distribution rights to continue selling his chemicals anywhere from Warragul to Lakes Entrance which is how ALT Cleaning Products was started. We have been up and running now for just over 1 year and hope to be around for alot more. This is a husband and wife partnership so you get to talk to the owners, there is no middle man or annoying reps running around for us, this is another reason we can give you the product cheaper than anyone else. Please feel free to call for a price list or anything else you might like to discuss with us. We look forward to helping you save money in your business and be able to spend it elsewhere. Trevor and Lisa JenningsListed in categories
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