Always Archer Floors - Aspendale, Australia
Always Archer Floors
2 Reviews
Always Archer Floors1/ 3 Gale St, 319504 18109812
Company name
Always Archer Floors
1/ 3 Gale St, 3195, Aspendale, VIC, Australia
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Always Archer Floors1/ 3 Gale St, 319504 18109812
Where is my receipt¿ You have been paid and cash, which cost me more than giving you a cheque. If l have too l will go to consumer affairs. You can delete me here but not everywhere...
Always Archer Floors1/ 3 Gale St, 319504 18109812
This is no way to run a business...
Hi, I'm from Bendigo and have just had my floor laid. There were a few gaps that I asked Heathe Archer about and he responded by telling me that I had to get a painter to fix this as they will do a better job...
Asked for a receipt and I'm still waiting for one.
When the job was done he asked for even more money, stating that because he had only visualised the area that needed doing, he had made a mistake. I was ok with that until the people I bought my floating boards off, rang and told me that Heathe wasn't charging me the extra and that they had a talk about it. When I told him this he came up with excuses as to why he could not now do this...
The work is done well, except for the gaps I'm left with. To be honest it isn't very professional to be told to ask to pay someone else, to finish his work. All in all a stressful time...
Asked for a receipt and I'm still waiting for one.
When the job was done he asked for even more money, stating that because he had only visualised the area that needed doing, he had made a mistake. I was ok with that until the people I bought my floating boards off, rang and told me that Heathe wasn't charging me the extra and that they had a talk about it. When I told him this he came up with excuses as to why he could not now do this...
The work is done well, except for the gaps I'm left with. To be honest it isn't very professional to be told to ask to pay someone else, to finish his work. All in all a stressful time...
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