0.00 Reviews
Company name
Po Box 351, Annandale, Australia
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 7/24
- Tuesday: 7/24
- Wednesday: 7/24
- Thursday: 7/24
- Friday: 7/24
- Saturday: 7/24
- Sunday: 7/24
Establishment year
2001E-mail address
Company description
MacSparx Electrical & Data is a Sydney based company located in the inner west.
Established in 2001, MacSparx specialises in the provision of electrical and data cabling services for Industrial, commercial and residential premises.
Our core strength is in helping our clients implement electrical solutions while realising savings by focussing on reducing energy consumption while minimising greenhouse gas emissions.
By selecting MacSparx you are not just employing the best in electrical trades. Through every engagement professional after sales service is maintained and you are given a guarantee that the work performed meets or exceeds all appropriate Australian standards.
Established in 2001, MacSparx specialises in the provision of electrical and data cabling services for Industrial, commercial and residential premises.
Our core strength is in helping our clients implement electrical solutions while realising savings by focussing on reducing energy consumption while minimising greenhouse gas emissions.
By selecting MacSparx you are not just employing the best in electrical trades. Through every engagement professional after sales service is maintained and you are given a guarantee that the work performed meets or exceeds all appropriate Australian standards.
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