Aussie Farmstay and Bush Adventures - Glebe, Australia

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Aussie Farmstay and Bush Adventures
PO Box 467, 2037, Glebe, NSW, Australia
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Company description
FOUR DAY AUSTRALIAN BUSH ADVENTURE ECOTOURSAussie Farmstay and Bush Adventures offers ecotours which take you into the heart of the NSW bush. You will experience the culture, history, nature and country life of NSW explorer country and the Blue Mountains on a small group (max 11 people) tour.The highlight of the trip is a farmstay on a family sheep farm, where you can sleep in a bed in a permanent tent, or under the billions of brilliant stars visible in the country sky. The hospitality of our farm hosts Laurie and Bill is as warming as the camp fire we cook our dinner on. Bill and Laurie will demonstrate sheep shearing, dog handling, whip cracking and other bush skills as well as telling stories and singing Australian ballads.Other features include:  accommodation in a country pub and  
Show more in log cabins  horse riding in the Megalong Valley  Abercrombie Caves tour  a visit to a wildlife park where you can pat koalas, feed kangaroos and see other native Australian animals  exploration of rural villages, towns and cities - Mudgee, Hillend, Canowindra, Orange, Bathurst  Star gazing with stories of Aboriginal legends  Aboriginal rock art site  Blue Mountains World Heritage National Park  Discovery of the beauty and history of the Grose Valley via the Scenic Railway and Scenic Cableway and valley boardwalks  a visit to the Age of Fishes fossil Museum  Tasting wine, olives, honey or other produce from the Mudgee region  visits to country pubs to meet with locals  try Aussie tucker - damper, billy tea, kangaroo, lamb chops  See the Three Sisters and other natural wonders around KatoombaThe price of $795 includes 3 nights accommodation, all activities, all meals and snacks and travel in air-conditioned comfort with a guide who has local knowledge and experience.So visit our website today, and book a tour. Your Aussie Farmstay and Bush Adventure will be the most authentic Australian thing you will ever do!
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