Aussie Spect Building and Pest - Beaconsfield, Australia
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Aussie Spect Building and Pest
Thomas Street, 3805, Beaconsfield, VIC, Australia
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Company description
Building Inspection and Pest Inspection services, all suburbs, all melbourne.
Aussie Spect undertakes pre-purchase building inspections and also pest inspections (termites)on houses as well as units, townhouses, villas and apartments in the Melbourne metropolitan and outer Melbourne areas. A pre-purchase inspection is a must when buying a home.
There may be many hidden costs associated with repairs and problems when purchasing a property that a pre-purchase inspection can identify. A pre-purchase inspection report is also a useful tool when negotiating on price.Aussie Spect carries out a comprehensive inspection, using a checklist of over 300 points.
Some of the areas inspected are the sub-floor; roofing interior and exterior; internal and external areas of the house; pavements and
Any visible faults detected are reported on and, when necessary, a suitable remedial action or specialist advice is recommended.A building inspection report should also be considered by anyone selling their home. This report can be then shown to any prospective buyer of the property.All inspections are carried out by qualified and highly experienced personnel and are guided by the Australian Standards for Building Inspections, AS4349.1 3
Aussie Spect undertakes pre-purchase building inspections and also pest inspections (termites)on houses as well as units, townhouses, villas and apartments in the Melbourne metropolitan and outer Melbourne areas. A pre-purchase inspection is a must when buying a home.
There may be many hidden costs associated with repairs and problems when purchasing a property that a pre-purchase inspection can identify. A pre-purchase inspection report is also a useful tool when negotiating on price.Aussie Spect carries out a comprehensive inspection, using a checklist of over 300 points.
Some of the areas inspected are the sub-floor; roofing interior and exterior; internal and external areas of the house; pavements and
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driveways; retaining walls; outbuildings and more. They also check for problems relating to wiring and plumbing defects.Any visible faults detected are reported on and, when necessary, a suitable remedial action or specialist advice is recommended.A building inspection report should also be considered by anyone selling their home. This report can be then shown to any prospective buyer of the property.All inspections are carried out by qualified and highly experienced personnel and are guided by the Australian Standards for Building Inspections, AS4349.1 3
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