Balance Life Australia - Australia
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Balance Life Australia
166 Portrush Road, Trinity Gardens, 5068, SA, Australia
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Company description
Balance Life Australia is an organisation working to raise community awareness and offering help to people that are suffering with a mental illness (e.g depression)
Balance Life Australia was established in 2006 by Sonia Pilla. Sonia was involved in a major car accident on Friday the 13th of January 2006. She was air lifted to Flinders medical hospital and was put into a medical induced coma to assist with pain relief. Sonia sustained fractures to her left ankle right tibia and pelvis. Doctors also voiced concern to her parents regarding her right frontal lobe. It was evident that she had nine haemorrhages. Â
A few words from Sonia;
"I would like to offer all the help I possibly can to others that have or are currently experiencing a mental illness. Life can get
I truly believe that things happen to people, good or bad, for a reason. I have learnt and continue to learn so much about myself since the accident, such as appreciating my family. Work doesn’t come first. Materialistic possessions don’t validate a person. A positive outlook will get you further in life!Balance Life Australia strongly believes we can work together and help all the Australians that suffer with a mental illness.
Balance Life Australia was established in 2006 by Sonia Pilla. Sonia was involved in a major car accident on Friday the 13th of January 2006. She was air lifted to Flinders medical hospital and was put into a medical induced coma to assist with pain relief. Sonia sustained fractures to her left ankle right tibia and pelvis. Doctors also voiced concern to her parents regarding her right frontal lobe. It was evident that she had nine haemorrhages. Â
A few words from Sonia;
"I would like to offer all the help I possibly can to others that have or are currently experiencing a mental illness. Life can get
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very hard when you’re depressed and suffering from anxiety or post traumatic stress. I am happy to say that I am feeling much better. I have the fantastic support of my family and partner. I hope that my web site and group get togethers will offer immense information that will get you back in touch with a happy, healthier life.I truly believe that things happen to people, good or bad, for a reason. I have learnt and continue to learn so much about myself since the accident, such as appreciating my family. Work doesn’t come first. Materialistic possessions don’t validate a person. A positive outlook will get you further in life!Balance Life Australia strongly believes we can work together and help all the Australians that suffer with a mental illness.
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