Ballarat Mowers Chainsaws - Australia
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Ballarat Mowers Chainsaws
811 Creswick Rd, 3350, Ballarat, VIC, Australia
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Company description
Ballarat Mowers Chainsaws was originally started by Max Henderson, in Corbett St, Ballarat in 1983. In 1998 Darren Gordana took over. It was then called Ballarat Mowers. In July 2002 we moved to Creswick Rd and changed our name to Ballarat Mowers And Chainsaws, in doing so we increased our range of Outdoor Power Equipment. We have Factory Trained Technicians, which includes Trade Qualified Outdoor Power Equipment Mechanics (this a 4 year Apprenticeship ). We also have a Briggs and Stratton Master Service Technician on site; this is a world wide recognized Certificate which is the highest award given out by Briggs and Stratton. . Many more Certificates can be found all around the walls of our Showroom.. Ballarat Mowers Chainsaws supplies a huge range of products from battery
We have adopted a slogan, For Honest and Reliable Service which reflects our commitment to all our customers. As part of this commitment we aim to sell the right mower or chainsaw to suit our customers requirements, not just anything to make the sale. This makes their experience with us far more satisfying. Our customers like to deal with us because Ballarat Mowers Chainsaws is a multiple award winning Buisiness and that gives them peace if mind. Not only have we won some awards back to back, but three and four years in a row. We also host an Outdoor Power Expo once a year, allowing our customers to interact with representatives from our suppliers. We have a very large customer database and most are active clients.
Ballarat Mowers Chainsaws was originally started by Max Henderson, in Corbett St, Ballarat in 1983. In 1998 Darren Gordana took over. It was then called Ballarat Mowers. In July 2002 we moved to Creswick Rd and changed our name to Ballarat Mowers And Chainsaws, in doing so we increased our range of Outdoor Power Equipment. We have Factory Trained Technicians, which includes Trade Qualified Outdoor Power Equipment Mechanics (this a 4 year Apprenticeship ). We also have a Briggs and Stratton Master Service Technician on site; this is a world wide recognized Certificate which is the highest award given out by Briggs and Stratton. . Many more Certificates can be found all around the walls of our Showroom.. Ballarat Mowers Chainsaws supplies a huge range of products from battery
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operated hand held equipment to ride-on's for large yards or acreages, up to commercial equipment for contractors. CUSTOMER/CLIENTSWe have adopted a slogan, For Honest and Reliable Service which reflects our commitment to all our customers. As part of this commitment we aim to sell the right mower or chainsaw to suit our customers requirements, not just anything to make the sale. This makes their experience with us far more satisfying. Our customers like to deal with us because Ballarat Mowers Chainsaws is a multiple award winning Buisiness and that gives them peace if mind. Not only have we won some awards back to back, but three and four years in a row. We also host an Outdoor Power Expo once a year, allowing our customers to interact with representatives from our suppliers. We have a very large customer database and most are active clients.
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