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Company name
Unit 17 380 Eastern Valley Way, Sydney, Chatswood, NSW, Australia
Contact number
Contact Person Mr. Chris Chalermpao
Establishment year 1998
Company description
Bluekings was incorporated in 1998 to develop essential oils products produced from Australian flora. The company was formed by a group of investors who had special interests and experiences in area of essential oil products. Our goal is to produce unique products with the magical essential oil extracted from the Australian flora, and to ensure our customer to have the best experiences and benefits from these products. Driven by the goal, the company conducted few researches in the production of essential oils, which extracted from various parts of Australian flora. The first research was carried out on both Callitris columellaris (Australian White Cypress) and Callitris Intratropica (Australian Blue Cypress) with oils being produced from the wood, bark and leaves. Following success in
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these areas Bluekings expanded its development to include the research and production of other Australian essential oils, which including Eucalyptus oil, Tea Tree oil, etc.Bluekings markets a range of finest essential oils and natural extracts products, which are produced in Australia under our direct supervision with sophisticated management system. Tests are also carrying out by an independent analytical facility, Centre of Phytochemistry, to ensure the quality of our products are matching the Australian standard.Listed in categories
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