Company name
3 Millenium Court, Victoria, Knoxfield, Australia
Contact number
Contact Person
Mr. George Davies
Establishment year
Company description
Brown & Watson International Pty Ltd is an 'old' Australian trading company with it's history going back to 1953 when it was established by Bill Brown and Jock Watson.Over the years the company has been involved in all sorts of enterprises ranging from manufacturing of transport equipment, toy wholesaling, furniture and acting as a manufacturers representative.This last function exposed BWI to the Automotive Industry and the wholesale distribution channels in the early 60's.In the early 1980s the company commenced importing lighting products from a company called NARVA located in Plauen, East Germany with the main products being halogen and incandescent bulbs. NARVA, East Germany still manufacture our bulbs today.In 1984 we produced the first NARVA catalogue, a 10 page binder in  
Show more 'glorious' Black and White and detailing 58 part numbers, a far cry from our 8th 2004/05 catalogue which is 316 pages featuring more than 3,000 part numbers in 11 colour coded product groups.Today most of its product manufactured by leading companies from all over the world and these strategic partners give BWI access to the latest in technology and product design. Our current catalogue is a shining example of how these partnerships have created a product range, so broad in its appeal, that BWI is often the preferred supplier of product to both trade and retail users throughout Australia and New Zealand.From the company's 8,400 sqm head office and factory in the Melbourne suburb of Knoxfield, Victoria we assemble, package and re-process many products including cable.The company is certified to ISO 9002 and has sales offices in all mainland States. NARVA NZ Ltd office and distribution centre is located in the Penrose, Auckland.The company is now majority owned by the current management and our 'Safety Through Quality' slogan ensures that you, the user of our product, will be satisfied.


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