COMIT FARM PRODUCE PTY. LTD. - Virginia, Australia

Company name
Angle Vale Road, South Australia, Virginia
Contact number
61-8-8410 1377
Website address
Contact Person
Mr. Roger Ley
Establishment year
Company description
Comit Farm Produce is the largest packer of fresh washed potatoes and onions in the Southern Hemisphere. Based in South Australia, this business supplies a wide range of washed red and white potatoes and brown, white and red onions to numerous export markets.HACCP certified and AQIS inspected our produce is of the highest quality. Over 30 years experience of selling produce to Europe, the Middle East and Asia, Comit Farm Produce is highly respected within the fresh produce industry.Comit Farm Produce sells produce to customer specification using the most modern technology in the world. A unique colour grading system means that all produce is graded according to size and colour ensuring that the customer receives the exact specification.The majority of our produce is grown on our own farms  
Show more found in the famous Riverland region of South Australia. This means that we have control of the produce supply chain from growing through to packing.In addition, this business has the capability to source other fresh vegetables and fruit using their wide grower network. Main produce categories include carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, parsnips, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower and squash.Potatoes are supplied in 15kg cartons and onions in 20kg bags and transported in specially selected containers to preserve the quality of the produce.


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