JK PARADISE PTY LTD - Melbourne, Australia

Company name
6, Crown Road, Bonbeach, Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
Contact number
Contact Person Mr. Joshua JK Tan
Establishment year 1996
Company description
JK Paradise Pty Ltd-We develop basic to premium successful hotel and travel websites that generates incremental revenue. Our Strength1) Real travel and tourism industry people-specialist design and online marketing studio, helps you build a competitive online advantage-providing the resources and expertise required for your travel products and services. We know what you want. 2) Our experianced online marketing services encompass much more than the generic 'search engine optimisation' offered within the industry. 3) Solutions include a diverse range of tactics managed by our highly experienced team of online experianced travel marketers. 4) Our SEO experts design and deliver a plan that works for your tourism business-by creating and leveraging your unique selling propositions. 5)  
Show more Comprising project managers, business analysts, designers, applications developers and e-marketers, we have the human expertise to complement and evolvethe technologies we deliver. We also help other web design firms byproviding specific skills to complement their services. 6) We provide maintainance and ad-hoc resources as required by your business, to help address periods of peak demand, or for occasions where you require expert outside assistance. SEOThe acronym SEO is now well known throughout the online travel world. Search Engine Optimisation in general refers to structuring your website content and the background 'code' that is viewed by search engines, to provide you with the greatest opportunity to rank on the first page of the major search engines such as Google, YAHOO! And MSN. Search Engine Optimization also involves generation of linkages from external sites to your own. Correctly managed, this link optimisation has the potential to positively affect the placement of your website. Jk Paradise Pty Ltd's SEO experts will work with your specific product and service characteristics, to ensure a tailored strategy exists to meet your online objectives. DevelopmentOur travel people have at least 10 years in travel marketing and are experienced in all current web development technologies utilised in the online and offline world. We are adept at implementing internet, intranet and extranet solutions, allowing the web to enhance your tourism operation for both internal and external benefit. Our development team only ever includes the very best at what they do, and like all JK Paradise Pty Ltd initiatives, customer objectives and satisfaction are paramount. ConsultingWe insist our team members possess practical industry experience complementing management and technical qualifications, so the fit with our client's needs is perfect. There are few firms in the global marketplace who match JK Paradise Pty Ltd's strong understanding of what it takes to succeed in planning, development and implementation of travel online systems. The JK Paradise Pty Ltd Consulting Division provides contracted assistance to Corporate and Government enterprises in the areas of: Project ManagementOnline Travel Business AnalysisBusiness Continuity Planning and all areas of the extranet, intranet and internet planning and design process. MBA-qualified personnel and Prince2 Project Management Practitioner certifications, we have web consultants with the depth of experience and ability required to complement your own management and planning effortsInternet MarketingWe provide featured advertisements at attractive rates to promote your property or tour operation online to a number of highly visible websites, and a network of like-minded quality travel portals, each of which can offer significant targeted exposure for your business. Home Page / Links AdvertisementPurchase an ad listing featuring prominently on the home page to one or more of our participating sites / portals. Google, YAHOO and such. . We believe similar programs have fantastic potential to complement your organic online marketing.


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