SCOTCH GROUP PTY LTD - Melbourne, Australia

Company name
8 Landsborough Avenue, Rowville, Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
Contact number
Contact Person Mr. Ming N. Loi
Establishment year 2006
Company description
Scotch Group Pty Ltd was established in 2006 in Australia with new role from our parent company Bolan Group Pty Ltd.Our clients had grown to include those public listed companies, etc. Our vision is to be the most innovative Paper palllet company to meet new regulation like strict ISPM 15. As alternative to wooden, plastic & metal pallets. Scotch Group Pty Ltd research staff are committed to find new environmental friendly material, light, tough and easier assembled pallet. The advantages of paper palletsTHE problem with a wooden pallet is that, even if it can be treated to make it compliant with strict ISPM 15, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a treated pallet and a non-treated one. Botac paper pallet ready for assembly. When the shipment arrives in a foreign land, and  
Show more the customs officer has a problem determining the pallet's compliance, the pallet, and the product as well, may be quarantined (at high fee) , or may even be refused entry. Some countries charge inspection fees for all wooden pallets. The use of paper pallets avoids the export restrictions on wooden pallets, and reduces delays for shipping to foreign countries. Paper pallets save money and time, and no fumigation or certification is required. The Botac Paper pallet is lightweight-approximately 10 KG lighter than average wooden pallet. This is particularly useful for air freight which is charged on weight. It is also ideal for one way non-returnable. For sea freight, it means a higher cargo weight. Features include: * Easy DIY assembling at or near the end user. * Portable. * Saves warehouse space. * Custom-made. Can be designed for specific applications. * Ability to maximize truck space by using pallets that areThe exact size required. * Easy to customise sizes and other needs. * High strength up to 1. 0 ton. Paper pallets have no nails, splinters, indentations, or protrusions to injured workers, or damage the product. They are safe for workers and help with OH & S compliance. Thus reducing lost time injuries, workers and damaged goods compensation. The pallets are safe for food, and are hygienic with no risk of toxic contamination or unwanted smell. They are suitable for use with food and pharmaceuticals and work well in any "clean room" environment. Botac trademark of Scotch Group Australia. Registered Design no: 311384


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