SELLULAR MARKET LTD - Tingalpa, Australia
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Company name
1295 Wynum Rd, Queensland, Tingalpa, Australia
Contact number
61-4177-3890 1177
Contact Person Mr. George Frans
Establishment year 1996
Company description
IntroductionThe Sellular Market is a private, non profit organisation that was established early in 1996 to provide a forum for discussion and exchange of views on business conditions and issues, both domestic and international, affecting Australian companies and personnel. The Sellular Market is administered under the charge of the Sellular Market (members of which were elected at the last Annual General Meeting). The Executive Director, Mr George Frans,heads the Secretariat. Objectives of the Sellulas Market1.To promote and foster close relations Australia, in particular mutual understanding, goodwill, harmony and fraternity amongst the business communities of both countries. 2.To provide a forum for meeting people involved or interested in enchancing trade and investment flows between
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Australia, in order to exchange ideas, experience, and information, develop contacts, and facilitate interaction. 3.To identify, encourage and inform members (and other interested parties) of appropriate sources of information relating to trade and investment opportunities, practices and regulations,in Australia. 4.To support business interests in Australia, by providing information, advice and where necessary, a vehicle for representation/submission to appropriate bodies/parties. 5.To liase and cooperate with organisations in Australia with aims similar to those of the Council. Activities of Sellular Market1.Ad-hoc talks and discussions with key business leaders, both from Australia, on matters relating to trade, commerce and investment. Representing members of Sellular Market at the Annual Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) dialogue, where issues, problems and concerns raised by members are brought to the attention of the Honourable Minister. Organising Trade Missions to Perth in September 1996.Organising the Sellular Market Joint Council Meetings and the Joint Business Conference in 1999 and 2000 here in USA. 3.Periodic dissemination of information relating to opportunities in trade, commerce and investment both in Australia. 3.Provision of services to Sellular Market members visiting Australia for purpose of business, through the use of Sellular MArket's contacts and counterparts in the main cities of Australia. 4.Provision of investment counselling services by the Sellular Market Secretariat to members and visiting Australians, and general assistance in 'follow-up' action. 5.Publication of Sellular Market Newsletter and Membership Directory. 6.Luncheon Talks where prominent personalities from both the private and public sectors are invited to address members on topics of relevance and interest to them. 7.Informal Gatherings where members and the Executive Committee meet and interact to exchange ideas, network and discuss matters of mutual interest.Listed in categories
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