Aniskova Jewellery Design - Australia

Company name
Aniskova Jewellery Design
Po Box 1152, Golden Grove Village, 5125, SA, Australia
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Company description
Fine Jewellery designer Setter.

Aniskova Jewellery Design is owned and operated by Irina Aniskova, and is situated at Adelaide, South Australia.

Irina has been designing and making her own fine jewellery for many years. Irina was a student of fine jewellery making and design at one of Russia's leading jewellery schools. She immigrated to Australia in 2006, and now brings a rather unique perspective to fine jewellery design here in Australia.

Irina's carftsmanship has been praised by other jewellery makers and jewellers all over Australia. Her designs, with a unique Russian flavour, show an immense beauty of rich colours from the finest precious and semi-precious stones. Irina's Russian hertitage, and love of fine Russian Jewellery, brings a rather fresh, interesting and a uniqueness  
Show more not found anywhere in Australia. Her orginal designs and high quality craftsmanship, are a must for any anyone seeking that special and unique piece of fine jewellery.

All of Irina's jewellery is handmade to the highest quality. The detail and work Irina puts into her jewellery is second to none, taking immense pride in all of her work. From the most expensive and elegant pendant, to the simplest designed ring.

Irina doesn't mass produce cheap jewellery. Her immense pride in her own designs and work, and the amount of time and energy put into each piece is evident when you look at her work. Her focus is on providing the most beautiful and quality fine jewellery possible, with her own unique touch. If you are looking for that unique piece of jewellery by one of Australia's most respected setters and jewellery designers, contact Irina Aniskova or visit her website.
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