enarji - Health & Fitness Coaching - Brisbane, Australia
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Listing - +10Years
With Us
Company name
enarji - Health & Fitness Coaching
108 Corvus Drive, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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Working hours
- Monday: 7:00am -7:00pm
- Tuesday: 7:00am -7:00pm
- Wednesday: 7:00am -7:00pm
- Thursday: 7:00am -7:00pm
- Friday: 7:00am -7:00pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Contact Person Sue Bary
Company manager Sue Bary
E-mail address
Company description
enarji pronounced (n-r-gee) Was founded in 2006 by Sue Bary.
Principal Health Coach Sue Bary wanted to create opportunities for people like herself who enjoy living a holistically enriched healthy lifestyle but are often considered not to be in the conventional size range. enarji is about giving people the opportunity to enjoy this holistically enriched lifestyle without the stigma of 'you must get thin', 'you must lose weight', 'you must go on a diet to lose weight' etc.
Studies in the US as indicated by Jon Robison that health professionals are often extremely prejudicial in their treatment of larger individuals. The "New Paradigm" approach also referred to as Health At Every Size, which is an alternative for compassionate, health-enhancing care. This approach encourages
Health At Every Size
Health At Every Size promotes that an appropriate "healthy weight" for an individual cannot be determined by the numbers on a scale or by an ideal height/weight chart or by using the Body Mass Index (BMI) or body fat percentages. Rather, Health At Every Size defines a "healthy weight" as the weight at which a person settles as they move towards a more fulfilling and meaningful lifestyle – a lifestyle that includes eating in an unrestrained manner guided by internal cues and participating in enjoyable, reasonable and sustainable levels of physical activity.
Principal Health Coach Sue Bary wanted to create opportunities for people like herself who enjoy living a holistically enriched healthy lifestyle but are often considered not to be in the conventional size range. enarji is about giving people the opportunity to enjoy this holistically enriched lifestyle without the stigma of 'you must get thin', 'you must lose weight', 'you must go on a diet to lose weight' etc.
Studies in the US as indicated by Jon Robison that health professionals are often extremely prejudicial in their treatment of larger individuals. The "New Paradigm" approach also referred to as Health At Every Size, which is an alternative for compassionate, health-enhancing care. This approach encourages
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self-acceptance by honoring the natural diversity in body shape and size and by exposing societal prejudice and discrimination against larger individuals. It promotes the benefits of physical activity by encouraging social, pleasure-directed movement. Finally, it helps people to re-connect eating to internally-directed hunger, appetite and satiety cues, leading to a more normal, peaceful relationship with food.Health At Every Size
Health At Every Size promotes that an appropriate "healthy weight" for an individual cannot be determined by the numbers on a scale or by an ideal height/weight chart or by using the Body Mass Index (BMI) or body fat percentages. Rather, Health At Every Size defines a "healthy weight" as the weight at which a person settles as they move towards a more fulfilling and meaningful lifestyle – a lifestyle that includes eating in an unrestrained manner guided by internal cues and participating in enjoyable, reasonable and sustainable levels of physical activity.
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