Eureka Wellness - Essendon, Australia
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Listing - +10Years
With Us
Company name
Eureka Wellness
1-15 woodvale Cl, Essendon, VIC, Australia
Contact number
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 8am to 5p
- Tuesday: 8am to 5p
- Wednesday: 8am to 5p
- Thursday: 8am to 5p
- Friday: 8am to 5p
- Saturday: 8am to 1pm
- Sunday: Closed
Contact Person
Stephen MockoE-mail address
Company description
Eureka Wellness is an exciting new company that focusses on getting back to basics to find good health. At Eureka Wellness, we want YOU to be the best version of yourself that you can be.
Imagine springing out of bed every morning, full of energy, ready to start the day. Imagine yourself with clear, vibrant, glowing skin that goes unnoticed by no-one, and finding yourself at your goal weight, and STAYING THERE!
Imagine your body so strong that all those little health niggles that you put up with for years just float away. Imagine a life FREE from the crippling, life-threatening diseases so many of us succumb to today.
At Eureka Wellness, we can teach you how to make this dream a reality! Our wellness programs and herbal products will do WONDERS for you, physically, emotionally
As well as offering solutions to a range of smaller illnesses too numerous to mention, we have a program for diseases that doctors have labelled as ‘incurable’. If you fall into this category, or know someone who does, there is still hope! Don’t hesitate to call us today to find out more information about our Incurables Program.
Imagine springing out of bed every morning, full of energy, ready to start the day. Imagine yourself with clear, vibrant, glowing skin that goes unnoticed by no-one, and finding yourself at your goal weight, and STAYING THERE!
Imagine your body so strong that all those little health niggles that you put up with for years just float away. Imagine a life FREE from the crippling, life-threatening diseases so many of us succumb to today.
At Eureka Wellness, we can teach you how to make this dream a reality! Our wellness programs and herbal products will do WONDERS for you, physically, emotionally
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and spiritually, and help you be the best YOU that YOU can be!As well as offering solutions to a range of smaller illnesses too numerous to mention, we have a program for diseases that doctors have labelled as ‘incurable’. If you fall into this category, or know someone who does, there is still hope! Don’t hesitate to call us today to find out more information about our Incurables Program.
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