The War Room - Shared office space in Cheltenham - Australia
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Listing - +10Years
With Us
Company name
The War Room - Shared office space in Cheltenham
Suite 8, 4-10 Jamieson Street, Cheltenham, VIC, Australia
Mobile phone
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 24/7
- Tuesday: 24/7
- Wednesday: 24/7
- Thursday: 24/7
- Friday: 24/7
- Saturday: 24/7
- Sunday: 24/7
Contact Person
Mick SimpsonE-mail address
Company description
The War Room, it represents your insatiable hunger for success.. It's shared office space with a difference. With small businesses from many walks, we've all come together to synergistically help each others businesses grow beyond where they are now. Not only is it a friendly supportive environment, you also get the opportunity to network with other business owners on a daily basis.
What does our Cheltenham based shared office space offer?
You will get a permanent place you can call your own, where you can safely leave your valuables overnight, you'll have a nice desk and chair you could call your own and a broadband internet connection.
We've also got an easily accessible fridge almost within reach of your space where you can leave your stash of food to power you through a solid
Need to run a seminar? We have a boardroom for hire that is perfect for groups of people, which offers complete privacy and all the elements you would need to make a business presentation to prospects and clients alike.
The office space for rent is based in Cheltenham, right nextdoor to Southland Shopping Centre, needless to say is full of all your food and shopping requirements. Our office also offers 24 hours access should you need to pick up something you forgot to take with you.
So are you keen on taking your small business up a notch? Get real and don’t just get your head in the right space, get it into the business office space, in Cheltenham!
What does our Cheltenham based shared office space offer?
You will get a permanent place you can call your own, where you can safely leave your valuables overnight, you'll have a nice desk and chair you could call your own and a broadband internet connection.
We've also got an easily accessible fridge almost within reach of your space where you can leave your stash of food to power you through a solid
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business day!Need to run a seminar? We have a boardroom for hire that is perfect for groups of people, which offers complete privacy and all the elements you would need to make a business presentation to prospects and clients alike.
The office space for rent is based in Cheltenham, right nextdoor to Southland Shopping Centre, needless to say is full of all your food and shopping requirements. Our office also offers 24 hours access should you need to pick up something you forgot to take with you.
So are you keen on taking your small business up a notch? Get real and don’t just get your head in the right space, get it into the business office space, in Cheltenham!
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