Payday Loans up to $1200 - Speedy Money - Sydney, Australia

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Payday Loans up to $1200 - Speedy Money
Level 1, Suite 1.05 20a Danks Street Waterloo, New South Wales, Australia 2017, Sydney, NSW
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Contact Person 02 8599 1082
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Company description
Essentially it's a small loan with repayments that are aligned with the borrower's pay day. The term originated from the UK where this type of lending has experienced massive growth over the past decade. It's also becoming better known in Australia as it's a convenient way of obtaining credit in a fast, hassle-free process that's totally online. Statistics show that a borrower is more likely to meet their repayments if they are scheduled to come out on their pay day. It also takes the hassle out of having to budget for a repayment or remember when a repayment falls due.
One of the major differences between payday loans in Australia and the rest of the world, is the cap on fees introduced by the Australian Government. This is good news for borrowers in that small loans under $2000 and  
Show more between 16 days and 12 months in duration are capped to a 20% establishment fee and a 4% monthly fee. It's a simple fee structure that's easy to understand and almost universally charged by all payday lenders. Most of our loans are around 30 days in duration. This means that if you applied for a $400 loan over 30 days then your total repayments equal $496.
We can offer these small amounts economically because the entire process is online, from your application right through to when your loan is repaid. The application takes as little as 5 minutes and you'll have an answer in less than an hour.
Our Payday Loan customers all have regular incomes and earn more than $500 a week. Most customers are using payday loans to cover temporary cash shortfalls over the course of a month. Often customers tell us that they have been hit with two or three unexpected bills at the same time, there has been a change in their pay cycle for some reason, or it's a particularly busy or expensive time of year, say around Christmas and school holidays. And meeting repayments does not always go according to plan either. Generally we try to avoid levying fees where possible. This can be done by making part payments, or catching up on repayments, thus avoiding extending the term of the loan.


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