Depreciator Pty Ltd - Depreciation Schedule - Sydney, Australia
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Depreciator Pty Ltd - Depreciation Schedule
GPO Box 7084 , Sydney NSW 2001, Australia
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Depreciator launched into the Australian market in 2001 as a company dedicated entirely to Tax Depreciation Schedules. This was a time when the Australian property market was taking off, and we recognised that there was a huge hole in the market for a Tax Depreciation Schedule specialist .
At that time, there were no quantity surveying companies specialising in Tax Depreciation Schedules. Those that did tax depreciation work, generally did it poorly because it was not their core business. They didn't manage clients well, and didn't keep up with the ever-changing ATO rules.
And not much has changed. We are still the only national Quantity Surveying group that only does Tax Depreciation Schedules. And there are still quantity surveyors out there making errors on Depreciation Schedules
Depreciator doesn’t send the Quantity Surveyors to meet the investors. It has dedicated 'customer service' people whose sole job is to look after the clients. They field calls all day long from clients and prospective clients, answering questions, allaying fears and managing jobs.
Depreciator also has a money back guarantee for clients, to eliminate any perceived risk in commissioning a Tax Depreciation Schedule.
Depreciator’s strong service ethos has brought it to the attention of several national organisations, which have long sought a national supplier of accurate Tax Depreciation Schedules. As a result, Depreciator is the preferred provider of Tax Depreciation Schedules for a large number of businesses and organisations spanning the accounting, financial planning, mortgage, real estate and conveyancing industries.
At that time, there were no quantity surveying companies specialising in Tax Depreciation Schedules. Those that did tax depreciation work, generally did it poorly because it was not their core business. They didn't manage clients well, and didn't keep up with the ever-changing ATO rules.
And not much has changed. We are still the only national Quantity Surveying group that only does Tax Depreciation Schedules. And there are still quantity surveyors out there making errors on Depreciation Schedules
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because they only do this work part of the time – usually in tax season.Depreciator doesn’t send the Quantity Surveyors to meet the investors. It has dedicated 'customer service' people whose sole job is to look after the clients. They field calls all day long from clients and prospective clients, answering questions, allaying fears and managing jobs.
Depreciator also has a money back guarantee for clients, to eliminate any perceived risk in commissioning a Tax Depreciation Schedule.
Depreciator’s strong service ethos has brought it to the attention of several national organisations, which have long sought a national supplier of accurate Tax Depreciation Schedules. As a result, Depreciator is the preferred provider of Tax Depreciation Schedules for a large number of businesses and organisations spanning the accounting, financial planning, mortgage, real estate and conveyancing industries.
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