Kims Beachside,NSW - Sydney, Australia
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With Us
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Kims Beachside,NSW
16 Charlton Street, Toowoon Bay NSW 2261 Australia, Sydney
Contact number
61 2 4333 1544
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Company description
Just over a one-hour drive from the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Kims is the perfect beach retreat – a cluster of deluxe individual timber bungalows and spa villas on the beach and immersed in rainforest and shaded by an avenue of ancient Norfolk Island pines.
Each of our 34 bungalows and villas is a private enclave, luxuriously equipped and built for relaxation. Kims is not like anywhere else. True, we have got a smart cocktail bar, a prime beachfront location, great food, massages on the premises and villas with private pools and outdoor hot tubs.
Totally secluded and right on the golden sands of Toowoon Bay. Relaxation is top of our to-do list, and although there is plenty to do in the area windsurfing, paddle boarding, surfing and we would be delighted to arrange a round of golf or a
There is a forest filled with palms and tropical greenery, and then there are the birds, hundreds of them. Whip birds, Lorikeets and Honey Eaters, singing the morning alive with a chorus of feathered throats and with a different tune in the evenings. A symphony you will not hear too often.
[email protected]
Each of our 34 bungalows and villas is a private enclave, luxuriously equipped and built for relaxation. Kims is not like anywhere else. True, we have got a smart cocktail bar, a prime beachfront location, great food, massages on the premises and villas with private pools and outdoor hot tubs.
Totally secluded and right on the golden sands of Toowoon Bay. Relaxation is top of our to-do list, and although there is plenty to do in the area windsurfing, paddle boarding, surfing and we would be delighted to arrange a round of golf or a
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fishing trip.There is a forest filled with palms and tropical greenery, and then there are the birds, hundreds of them. Whip birds, Lorikeets and Honey Eaters, singing the morning alive with a chorus of feathered throats and with a different tune in the evenings. A symphony you will not hear too often.
[email protected]
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