Ice Rehab Melbourne - Australia
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Ice Rehab Melbourne
324 South Road, Hampton East, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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Using a superior understanding of how the mind functions on a subconcious level, The Melbourne Centre of Healing helps people beat their unheathy addictions directly from the source, the "Why" they are doing it.
Many types of people with all sorts of addictions come to us looking for help, these include addictions like:
-Ice/Meth and other drug type abusers
-People suffering depression
-Anxiety sufferers
-Stress heads
And many more mentally driven habits
Want to know why what we do works so well?
It's simple, we work on the source of where the habit is created, within the depth of your subconciousness. Utilizing a combination of various methods such as psychology, nutrition, counselling, mindfulness, guided meditation, hypnosis, quantum healing, time line therapy, neuro
How are we different? That's simple, there is no one way to treat a problem, which is why our arsenal of mind repair tools is so vast, as what suits one person will not necessarily work on another, which is what helps us hone in and target the potentially crippling behaviour in need of changing.
After seeing us, so many of our clients report a new lease on life, after we help to clear all the blockages from their minds, they're able to be the great productive person they were born to be!
Do you know somebody with a drug addiction? Maybe someone who suffers from extreme anxiety? Then get in touch with us now, The Melbourne Centre of Healing, a great alternative to the standard cheap drug rehabilitation programs as offered by others.
Many types of people with all sorts of addictions come to us looking for help, these include addictions like:
-Ice/Meth and other drug type abusers
-People suffering depression
-Anxiety sufferers
-Stress heads
And many more mentally driven habits
Want to know why what we do works so well?
It's simple, we work on the source of where the habit is created, within the depth of your subconciousness. Utilizing a combination of various methods such as psychology, nutrition, counselling, mindfulness, guided meditation, hypnosis, quantum healing, time line therapy, neuro
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linguistics programming, theta healing and life coaching.How are we different? That's simple, there is no one way to treat a problem, which is why our arsenal of mind repair tools is so vast, as what suits one person will not necessarily work on another, which is what helps us hone in and target the potentially crippling behaviour in need of changing.
After seeing us, so many of our clients report a new lease on life, after we help to clear all the blockages from their minds, they're able to be the great productive person they were born to be!
Do you know somebody with a drug addiction? Maybe someone who suffers from extreme anxiety? Then get in touch with us now, The Melbourne Centre of Healing, a great alternative to the standard cheap drug rehabilitation programs as offered by others.
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