Chem Dry Elite - Wembley, Australia
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Company name
Chem Dry Elite
8 Pangbourne St, 6014, Wembley, WA, Australia
Contact number
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 9am-5:30pm
- Tuesday: 9am-5:30pm
- Wednesday: 9am-5:30pm
- Thursday: 9am-5:30pm
- Friday: 9am-5:30pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Contact Person
Ashley ByresEstablishment year
26-50E-mail address
Company description
Chem Dry Carpet Cleaning works for all the family, every day!
If you want peace of mind, of knowing that your carpet is deep down clean, then Chem Dry Elite is the company for you. We don't just clean the tips of the carpet like some cleaners, nor do we pressure wash the dirt down below the surface only to have it reappear as it dries. When you ask us to remove the dirt and unhealthy elements from your carpet, that's what we do.
We use a gentle carpet cleaning process, which incorporates a unique carbonating cleaning solution which creates millions of tiny bubbles that lifts soil & dirt to the surface. The secret to Chem Dry's drier, cleaner , healthier clean is the millions of microscopic carbonating cleaning bubbles in our carpet cleaner we call the Natural.
As your local Chem Dry ,
So when you're looking for professional carpet & upholstery cleaning in Perth's North, Western suburbs, contact Chem Dry Elite for a no obligation estimate.
If you want peace of mind, of knowing that your carpet is deep down clean, then Chem Dry Elite is the company for you. We don't just clean the tips of the carpet like some cleaners, nor do we pressure wash the dirt down below the surface only to have it reappear as it dries. When you ask us to remove the dirt and unhealthy elements from your carpet, that's what we do.
We use a gentle carpet cleaning process, which incorporates a unique carbonating cleaning solution which creates millions of tiny bubbles that lifts soil & dirt to the surface. The secret to Chem Dry's drier, cleaner , healthier clean is the millions of microscopic carbonating cleaning bubbles in our carpet cleaner we call the Natural.
As your local Chem Dry ,
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Carpet & Upholstery cleaning professionals in Perth, you can expect a friendly, thorough & efficient service that has been independently proven to stay cleaner longer than when your carpet was newly laid.So when you're looking for professional carpet & upholstery cleaning in Perth's North, Western suburbs, contact Chem Dry Elite for a no obligation estimate.
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