KLP Restorations - Ipswich, Australia
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With Us
Company name
KLP Restorations
24 cormack street, Ipswich, QLD, Australia
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Working hours
- Monday: 10.00am -3.00pm
- Tuesday: 10.00am -3.00pm
- Wednesday: 10.00am -3.00pm
- Thursday: 10.00am -3.00pm
- Friday: 10.00am -3.00pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Contact Person
Kane PalliaerCompany manager
morgan palliaerEstablishment year
1-5E-mail address
Company description
KLP Restorations
Antique and Modern comprehensive furniture Restoration & Repair service Brisbane.
The team at KLP Restorations has the knowledge and skills to get the job done right and we specialise in the following areas:
Structural chair and table re-glue
Non-caustic polish and paint removal
traditional and modern polishing methods
specialty polish finishes
specialty painted finishes
Wood carving and wood turning
traditional and modern cabinetry methods
water, mould and fire damage repairs
Furniture Restoration & Repairs
Veneer & Inlay repairs
Custom built furniture
Antique Restoration & Repairs
Artifact restorer & conservator.
Furniture designer & maker
chair maker
Owners: Kane &
We have two children, fur babies and chooks. We live in the outskirts of Brisbane on an acreage property in Esk. Our property boasts the original old dairy barn from the original larger farm in the area, and this is were the magic happens. We also an address in Fairfield QLD, this is the base of our Brisbane opperations and this where the logistics of our pick up and delivery service are formulated and executed.
A ton of it...We have worked on so many different projects over the past 25yrs from restoring arm chairs that once belonged to Marlyn Monroe to reconstructing Bookcases from the supreme court of Qld library that burnt down in the 60's. We love what we do and we cant get enough of it!
Antiques are our passion and it is our mission to restore antiques back to their original condition using the same (where possible) traditional cabinetry and polishing methods that would have originally been used in the creation of the piece.
Antique and Modern comprehensive furniture Restoration & Repair service Brisbane.
The team at KLP Restorations has the knowledge and skills to get the job done right and we specialise in the following areas:
Structural chair and table re-glue
Non-caustic polish and paint removal
traditional and modern polishing methods
specialty polish finishes
specialty painted finishes
Wood carving and wood turning
traditional and modern cabinetry methods
water, mould and fire damage repairs
Furniture Restoration & Repairs
Veneer & Inlay repairs
Custom built furniture
Antique Restoration & Repairs
Artifact restorer & conservator.
Furniture designer & maker
chair maker
Owners: Kane &
Show more
Morgan PalliaerWe have two children, fur babies and chooks. We live in the outskirts of Brisbane on an acreage property in Esk. Our property boasts the original old dairy barn from the original larger farm in the area, and this is were the magic happens. We also an address in Fairfield QLD, this is the base of our Brisbane opperations and this where the logistics of our pick up and delivery service are formulated and executed.
A ton of it...We have worked on so many different projects over the past 25yrs from restoring arm chairs that once belonged to Marlyn Monroe to reconstructing Bookcases from the supreme court of Qld library that burnt down in the 60's. We love what we do and we cant get enough of it!
Antiques are our passion and it is our mission to restore antiques back to their original condition using the same (where possible) traditional cabinetry and polishing methods that would have originally been used in the creation of the piece.
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Products & Services 1
- Antique furniture restorationFull service antique furniture restoration and repair. emai...
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