Boozie's - Melbourne, Australia
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31 A'Beckett St Melbourne 3000 VIC, Australia
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Company description
We're a 100% Aussie business founded by Alice and Nora, two passionate and driven ladies from Regional Victoria. We are all about creating amazing stubby coolers that Aussies all over the country will love! We've got over 3 years of experience in design and print industries, and we're proud to use only 100% Aussie materials to make our products.
What sets us apart is that not only do our stubby holders look fantastic, but they're also incredibly high-quality. We use the best sublimation technology to print onto 5mm thick neoprene, which means our coolers will last longer than any other stubby cooler out there.
We're a down-to-earth and approachable team, and we're committed to providing top-notch customer service. No matter what you need a stubby cooler for - weddings,
What sets us apart is that not only do our stubby holders look fantastic, but they're also incredibly high-quality. We use the best sublimation technology to print onto 5mm thick neoprene, which means our coolers will last longer than any other stubby cooler out there.
We're a down-to-earth and approachable team, and we're committed to providing top-notch customer service. No matter what you need a stubby cooler for - weddings,
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birthdays, bucks parties, hens parties, events, sporting clubs, corporate gear, businesses, gifts, or anything else - we'll work with you to design a cooler that you'll absolutely love.Listed in categories
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