Fox Racing Australia - Altona North
0.00 Reviews
Company name
Fox Racing Australia
18-28 Taras Ave, Altona North VIC 3025, Australia
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 9am - 5.30pm
- Tuesday: 9am - 5.30pm
- Wednesday: 9am - 5.30pm
- Thursday: 9am - 5.30pm
- Friday: 9am - 5.30pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Establishment year
16-25E-mail address
Company description
Fox Racing is synonymous with motocross and mountain biking gear and apparel. The brand outfits the world's best competitive athletes and enthusiasts with products that combine innovation and style, rooted in the brand's original competitive motocross spirit.
Headquartered in Irvine, California, Fox Racing has offices in different parts of the world, including Australia. Recognised as the world's most prestigious and best-selling motocross apparel brand, Fox's operations are based on the production of apparel that can withstand the highest physical demands of motocross off-road sports.
Being a sponsor and close partner of the most successful drivers in the history of the sport - such as Ricky Carmichael, James Stewart, Damon Bradshaw, Rick Johnson, Mark Barnett, Doug Henry, Jeremy
Fox Racing continues to push limits, defy boundaries and pursue continuous innovation. With each success, they set a larger, more ambitious goal. From helmets to jackets, boots, gloves and more, they are at the forefront of cool.
Headquartered in Irvine, California, Fox Racing has offices in different parts of the world, including Australia. Recognised as the world's most prestigious and best-selling motocross apparel brand, Fox's operations are based on the production of apparel that can withstand the highest physical demands of motocross off-road sports.
Being a sponsor and close partner of the most successful drivers in the history of the sport - such as Ricky Carmichael, James Stewart, Damon Bradshaw, Rick Johnson, Mark Barnett, Doug Henry, Jeremy
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McGrath and Steve Lamson - allow the company to conduct untiring research and develop racing apparel that offers maximum protection, extreme performance and unlimited freedom of movement.Fox Racing continues to push limits, defy boundaries and pursue continuous innovation. With each success, they set a larger, more ambitious goal. From helmets to jackets, boots, gloves and more, they are at the forefront of cool.
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