Bowhill Engineering - CITY, Australia
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Company name
Bowhill Engineering
68 Weber Road, Bow Hill, SA, Australia, 5238, CITY
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101-200E-mail address
Company description
Bowhill Engineering, metal fabricator in Bowhill, South Australia.We transform communities and our people by optimising and building structures that matter. We’re specialist fabricators of heavy and complex structural steel. We collaboratively build structures, from design optimisation through to installation, that benefit many Australians.In an increasingly competitive and high-stakes infrastructure game, you need a bidding edge. And the bidding edge comes from working with a specialist in heavy and complex steel fabrication who will partner with you — not just take your order.
Apprentice Metal Fabricator
Full Time / School Based / Adult / Mature
Open to all Applicants, we value diversity and inclusion in our
Established Apprenticeship Program
Apprentice Support Person available
Weekly Apprentice group meetings
Enjoyable apprentice team environment & culture
Bowhill Engineering offer a positive learning environment with established routines, systems, processes and procedures to ensure training is structured and supportive. Through our long term, continued Apprenticeship program, we have seen a wonderful support network develop. Our environment focuses on being non-competitive and supportive, providing mentoring that flows from each stage of our apprentice group.
We provide a forum where Apprentices can speak courageously in a group or individual setting with a support person who will back them or speak for them on any challenges they have. Our amazing group of current tradespeople and professionals have embraced the Apprenticeship program and are unified in building our next talent, seeing the success that our program brings in meeting project requirements, workforce growth and sustaining a work/life balance we can all enjoy!
Apprentice Metal Fabricator
Full Time / School Based / Adult / Mature
Open to all Applicants, we value diversity and inclusion in our
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workplaceEstablished Apprenticeship Program
Apprentice Support Person available
Weekly Apprentice group meetings
Enjoyable apprentice team environment & culture
Bowhill Engineering offer a positive learning environment with established routines, systems, processes and procedures to ensure training is structured and supportive. Through our long term, continued Apprenticeship program, we have seen a wonderful support network develop. Our environment focuses on being non-competitive and supportive, providing mentoring that flows from each stage of our apprentice group.
We provide a forum where Apprentices can speak courageously in a group or individual setting with a support person who will back them or speak for them on any challenges they have. Our amazing group of current tradespeople and professionals have embraced the Apprenticeship program and are unified in building our next talent, seeing the success that our program brings in meeting project requirements, workforce growth and sustaining a work/life balance we can all enjoy!
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