Review WORST Customer service by Ella Rouge Macquaire and Headoffice response

WORST Customer service by Ella Rouge Macquaire and Headoffice response
They are scammers. They don't provide service and keep your money. I have been mistreated, and treated with no respect as they just want to repeat themselves and don't hear what the client has to say. I wanted to get Endermologie sessions and signed up for 6 sessions. I was told to bring in my letter by my doctor which I forgot on first session. The girl spoke with my doctor and got the clearance and we started treating for a few sessions. The third session was with another girl and she wanted the doctors note again, and I was not reminded or told that you need to bring it in. I was told so rudely with the girl having such a nasty attitude problem like she has been taught no manners from her mother! I refused to get further treatment and wanted my money refunded. They are refusing to refund my money because they don't think it's good enough excuse!!! No customer service and unhappy customer is not a good enough excuse, sorry, no refund!!! This is same as stealing, you can not charge people for no services provided. I have every right to get my money refunded and a manager named Sarah at the Head office is being such an unprofessional judgemental person, that she didn't like the way I spoke with her on the phone or my tone of voice, or maybe she was just plain old racist and didn't like my accent, she hung up the phone on me an said call fair trading. After emailing the headoffice, the same person emails me back without signing the email, saying the same thing, that we can not refund you as you were told to bring in the letter!! WHEN THE F WAS I TOLD????? IF I was told how come I got the first 2 treatments???? Can you guys hear yourself and see how unbelievable unreasonable you are being and you are lying!!! it's not a matter of few hundred $$ which I am sure karma will get you and you will lose more in losing business, when you mis treat people. It's a matter that you do this to me and other people and you are just scamming money and not working for it. This is not the way to do business. No wonder all the ratings every where on line for Ella Rouge are so poor!! Honestly, they have one big enemy now, and I'm a doctor and will spread the word. I'm writing this review so if anyone else from Head Office reads is besides the people playing this game, to contact me and take care of this matter. Like who are the owners??? Do they care about their business and how unprofessional people are damaging their reputation? Seriously, Ella Rouge needs to train their staff from head office down to the stores properly.

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